Many people make the mistake of buying a company cheaply, particularly on the internet. But many factors need to be taken into consideration before rushing into what may appear to be a good deal. After all, forming the company yourself and making a mistake can be very expensive!
As your accountants we can assist and offer help and advice with:
- Appointment of directors;
- Appointment of company secretary
- Issue and transfer of subscriber share;
- Advice on the pros and cons of incorporation specific to YOUR circumstances;
- Acting as your registered office , so we receive any important mail and deal with it promptly
- Completion of all necessary minutes and resolutions;
- Assistance in opening a bank account;
- Tax advice with regard to the formation of the Company
- VAT registration
- Company registration for corporation tax;
- Set up of company payroll scheme;
- Book-keeping set-up advice;
- Business plans
- Help with raising finance.
We can also arrange same day formations for urgent cases.
If you have a name in mind, use the Companies House web check service to see if it is available. This will tell you if the name is already in use.
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